Provides a client-side api to the EZ query methods of the server-side MySQL module. For more complex data handling, you must provide an api on the server-side.
Database Required
Before you can use the MySQL module, you will need to create a MySQL database. See the Administration section for more information on connecting to your database.
Select multiple records from a database table., listener)
Name | Description | Type | Required |
query_tbl | The query parameters for the call. | Table | Y |
listener | The api listener callback function. | Function | Y |
Query Table Keys
Name | Description | Type | Required |
db | The database to run the query against. | String | Y |
tbl | Name of the table to operate on. | String | Y |
columns | Array of columns to select as strings. | Table | N |
where | Any additional WHERE clause to apply. | String or Table | N |
orderby | The sorting attributes. See Orderby below. | Table | N |
limit | Limit the records returned. See Limit below. | Number or Table | N |
distinct | Filter out duplicate column values. Default: false | Boolean | N |
The orderby key should be a table filled with column = direction pairs. The direction can be either "ASC" for ascending order or "DESC" for descending order.
To limit the rows returned, supply a number value to the limit key. To offset the limit, supply a table array of number values. For example, to return rows 6-15: limit = {5, 10}.
Event Response
On success, the result will contain a table array of records.
Using the "app" database, select all records from the "users" table.
local function apiListener( evt ) if evt.error then print(evt.error) else for i=1, #evt.result do print(evt.result[i].id) end end end local params = { db = "app", tbl = "users" }, apiListener)
More Examples
See the server-side method for more examples.
Select and return a single record from a database table.
core.mysql.selectOne(query_tbl, listener)
Name | Description | Type | Required |
query_tbl | The query parameters for the call. | Table | Y |
listener | The api listener callback function. | Function | Y |
Query Table Keys
Name | Description | Type | Required |
db | The database to run the query against. | String | Y |
tbl | Name of the table to operate on. | String | Y |
where | The WHERE clause to apply. | String or Table | Y |
columns | Array of columns to select as strings. | Table | N |
Event Response
On success, the result will contain a table.
Special Response
Unlike the select method, the result is returned as a single record as opposed to an array of records.
local function apiListener( evt ) if evt.error then print(evt.error) else print( end end local params = { db = "app", tbl = "users", where = { user_id = 20 }, columns = { "name" } } core.mysql.selectOne(params, apiListener)
Query multiple tables of a database and return the individual results in a keyed response.
core.mysql.selectBatch(batch_tbl, listener)
Name | Description | Type | Required |
batch_tbl | The batch parameters for the call (see below). | Table | Y |
listener | The api listener callback function. | Function | Y |
Batch Table Keys
Name | Description | Type | Required |
db | The database to run the query against. | String | Y |
batch | A table array of EZ Query select tables, excluding the db key. (see select). Each select table must also include a key property for the result response (see example below). | Table | Y |
Event Response
On success, the result will be a keyed table with the results of each select query as a table array of records. If limit
in any of the query entries is set to 1, then a single table with the record data is returned (not an array).
local function apiListener( evt ) if evt.error then print(evt.error) else local bikes = evt.result.bikes --Array of "Bike" records local shoes = --Array of "Shoe" records local store = --Table "Store" record end end local batch_select = { { tbl = "products", where = { type = "Bike" }, key = "bikes" }, { tbl = "products", where = { type = "Shoes" }, key = "shoes" }, { tbl = "locations", where = { name = "Happy Toys" }, limit = 1, --Return as non-array record key = "store" } } local params = { db = "store", batch = batch_select } core.mysql.selectBatch(params, apiListener)
Query Errors
If any of the queries in the batch result in an error, the results key for that particular query will contain an error key. Best practice is to check for this key before accessing the results.
-- Assuming batch call as shown in the example above local function apiListener( evt ) if evt.error then print(evt.error) else if evt.result.bikes.error then --an error occurred on this particular query print(evt.result.bikes.error) else --loop over the records for i=1, #evt.result.bikes do print(evt.result.bikes[i].name) end end end end
Select from multiple databases and tables and return the results in a keyed table.
core.mysql.selectMerge(merge_tbl, listener)
Name | Description | Type | Required |
merge_tbl | The merge parameters for the call (see below). | Table | Y |
listener | The api listener callback function. | Function | Y |
Merge Table Keys
Name | Description | Type | Required |
merge | A table array of EZ Query select tables. (see select). Each select table should also include a key property for the result table (see example below). |
Table | Y |
Event Response
On success, the result will be a keyed table with the results of each select query. If limit
in any of the query entries is set to 1, then a single table with the record data is returned (not an array). See Errors below.
local function apiListener( evt ) if evt.error then print(evt.error) else local locs = evt.result.locs --check for errors if evt.result.errors then for i=1, #evt.results.errors do local err_tbl = evt.results.error[i] print(err_tbl.db, err_tbl.error, err_tbl.index) end end end end local merge_dbs = { { db = "locations", tbl = "spots", key = "locs" }, { db = "products", tbl = "parts", where = { part_id = 20 }, key = "part" }, { db = "stores", tbl = "toy", limit = 1, --Return as non-array record where = { name = "Happy Toys" }, key = "store" } } core.mysql.selectMerge({ merge = merge_dbs }, apiListener)
If any of the database queries fail, the successful queries will still be returned in their respective key names. On failed queries, the result will also contain an errors
key, containing a table array describing any errors.
Example Debug Response
result: errors: 1: db: products error: Table '' doesn't exist index: 2 status: 1146 locs: 1: id: 1 latitude: 80 longitude: 200 user_id: d23b8738-4d28-41ed-a967-98e83e855a38 2: id: 3 latitude: -64 longitude: 200 user_id: d23b8738-4d28-41ed-a967-98e83e855a39 store: name = Happy Toys city = San Diego
Get a record count based on passed in query.
core.mysql.selectCount(count_tbl, listener)
Name | Description | Type | Required |
count_tbl | The count parameters for the call (see below). | Table | Y |
listener | The api listener callback function. | Function | Y |
Count Table Keys
Name | Description | Type | Required |
db | The database to run the count query against. | String | Y |
tbl | Name of the table to operate with. | String | Y |
where | The WHERE clause to apply. | String or Table | N |
column | The column to use as the counting key. Defaults to "id". | String | N |
If the where
key is not included, the result is the total records in the provided table.
local function apiListener( evt ) if evt.error then print(evt.error) else local count = evt.result.count print("Total red toys:", count) end core.mysql.selectCount({ db = "products", tbl = "toys", where = { color = "Red" } }, apiListener)
Insert a single record into a database table.
core.mysql.insert(query_tbl, listener)
Name | Description | Type | Required |
query_tbl | The query parameters for the call. | Table | Y |
listener | The api listener callback function. | Function | Y |
Query Table Keys
Name | Description | Type | Required |
db | The database to run the query against. | String | Y |
tbl | Name of the table to operate on. | String | Y |
values | A table of column = value pairs. | Table | Y |
Strings in the values
tables are run through the mysql.escape method. Do not double-escape values.
Event Response
On success, the result will contain the inserted record id as a number.
local function apiListener( evt ) if evt.error then print(evt.error) else print("insert id:", evt.result) end end local params = { db = "app", tbl = "users", values = { name = "Bobby", age = 34 }, } core.mysql.insert(params, apiListener)
Insert records into a single table of a database in an optimized way.
core.mysql.insertMany(insert_tbl, listener)
Name | Description | Type | Required |
insert_tbl | The insert parameters table for the call (see below). | Table | Y |
listener | The api listener callback function. | Function | Y |
Insert Table Keys
Name | Description | Type | Required |
db | The database to run the inserts against. | String | Y |
tbl | Name of the table to operate on. | String | Y |
records | A table array of values tables from the insert method. |
Table | Y |
Strings in the values
tables are run through the mysql.escape method. Do not double-escape values.
Event Response
On success, the result will hold an indexed table array of tables containing either an id key; with the id of the newly created record, or an error key; containing the error string.
The response table is indexed the same order as the records table that was sent to the server.
local function apiListener( evt ) if evt.error then print(evt.error) else for i=1, #evt.result do local entry = evt.result[i] if entry.error then print("error in insert entry #"..i..": "..entry.error) else print("inserted record with id: "" for entry #"..i) end end end end local toys = { { name = "Car", color = "red" }, { name = "Teddy Bear", color = "brown" } } local params = { db = "products", tbl = "toys", records = toys } core.mysql.insertMany(params, apiListener)
Insert records into multiple tables of a database in an optimized way.
core.mysql.insertBatch(batch_tbl, listener)
Name | Description | Type | Required |
batch_tbl | The batch parameters table for the call (see below). | Table | Y |
listener | The api listener callback function. | Function | Y |
Batch Table Keys
Name | Description | Type | Required |
db | The database to run the batch against. | String | Y |
batch | A table array of tables with the tbl and values keys from the insert method. |
Table | Y |
Strings in the values
tables are run through the mysql.escape method. Do not double-escape values.
Event Response
On success, the result will hold an indexed table array of tables containing either an id key; with the id of the newly created record, or an error key; containing the error string.
The response table is indexed the same order as the batch table that was sent to the server.
local function apiListener( evt ) if evt.error then print(evt.error) else for i=1, #evt.result do local entry = evt.result[i] if entry.error then print("error in insert entry #"..i..": "..entry.error) else print("inserted record with id: "" for entry #"..i) end end end end local batch_insert = { { tbl = "shoes" values = { name = "Adidas", size = 12 } }, { tbl = "toys", values = { name = "Car", age_group = 10 } }, { tbl = "toys", values = { name = "Bear", age_group = 5, color = "Brown" } } } local params = { db = "products", batch = batch_insert } core.mysql.insertBatch(params, apiListener)
Update record(s) in a database table.
core.mysql.update(query_tbl, listener)
Name | Description | Type | Required |
query_tbl | The query parameters for the call. | Table | Y |
listener | The api listener callback function. | Function | Y |
Query Table Keys
Name | Description | Type | Required |
db | The database to run the query against. | String | Y |
tbl | The name of the table to operate on. | String | Y |
values | A table of column = value pairs. | Table | Y |
where | Where the columns should be updated. | String or Table | N |
Strings in the values
tables are run through the mysql.escape method. Do not double-escape values.
Event Response
On success, the result will contain the amount of records updated as a number.
local function apiListener( evt ) if evt.error then print(evt.error) else print("updated:", evt.result) end end local params = { db = "app", tbl = "users", values = { name = "Paco" }, where = { name = "Bobby" } } core.mysql.update(params, apiListener)
Update records in a single table of a database in an optimized way.
core.mysql.updateMany(update_tbl, listener)
Name | Description | Type | Required |
update_tbl | The update parameters table for the call (see below). | Table | Y |
listener | The api listener callback function. | Function | Y |
Update Table Keys
Name | Description | Type | Required |
db | The database to run the updates against. | String | Y |
tbl | Name of the table to operate on. | String | Y |
update | A table array of tables with the values and where keys from the update method. |
Table | Y |
Strings in the values
tables are run through the mysql.escape method. Do not double-escape values.
Event Response
On success, the result will hold an indexed table array of tables containing either an updated key; with the number of records updated, or an error key; containing the error string.
The response table is indexed the same order as the update table that was sent to the server.
local function apiListener( evt ) if evt.error then print(evt.error) else for i=1, #evt.result do local entry = evt.result[i] if entry.error then print("error in update entry #"..i..": "..entry.error) else print("updated "..entry.updated.." records for entry #"..i) end end end end local update_tbl = { { values = { name = "Nike" }, where = { name = "Adidas" } }, { values = { cost = "1.99" }, where = { id = 3 } } } local params = { db = "products", tbl = "shoes", update = update_tbl } core.mysql.updateMany(params, apiListener)
Update records in multiple tables of a database in an optimized way.
core.mysql.updateBatch(batch_tbl, listener)
Name | Description | Type | Required |
batch_tbl | The batch parameters table for the call (see below). | Table | Y |
listener | The api listener callback function. | Function | Y |
Batch Table Keys
Name | Description | Type | Required |
db | The database to run the batch against. | String | Y |
batch | A table array of tables with the tbl , values and where keys from the update method. |
Table | Y |
Strings in the values
tables are run through the mysql.escape method. Do not double-escape values.
Event Response
On success, the result will hold an indexed table array of tables containing either an updated key; with the number of records updated, or an error key; containing the error string.
The response table is indexed the same order as the batch table that was sent to the server.
local function apiListener( evt ) if evt.error then print(evt.error) else for i=1, #evt.result do local entry = evt.result[i] if entry.error then print("error in update entry #"..i..": "..entry.error) else print("updated "..entry.updated.." records for entry #"..i) end end end end local batch_update = { { tbl = "shoes", values = { name = "Adidas" }, where = { id = 3 } }, { tbl = "toys", values = { name = "Raggedy Ann", gender = "female" }, where = { name = "Raggedy Andy" } }, { tbl = "toys", values = { company = "Tonka" }, where = { id = 4 } } } local params = { db = "products", batch = batch_update } core.mysql.updateBatch(params, apiListener)
Delete record(s) from a database table.
core.mysql.delete(query_tbl, listener)
Name | Description | Type | Required |
query_tbl | The query parameters table for the call (see below). | Table | Y |
listener | The api listener callback function. | Function | Y |
Query Table Keys
Name | Description | Type | Required |
db | The database to run the query against. | String | Y |
tbl | The name of the table to operate on. | String | Y |
where | A WHERE clause to limit deletions to. | String or Table | N |
force | Disables safety check for missing where key. | Boolean | N |
Force Delete
To run the delete command without a where clause, you must set force to true.
Event Response
On success, the result will contain the amount of records deleted as a number.
local function apiListener( evt ) if evt.error then print(evt.error) else print("deleted:", evt.result) end end local params = { db = "app", tbl = "users", where = { id = 10 } } core.mysql.delete(params, apiListener)
See the server-side core.mysql.delete method for more examples.
Delete records from a single table in a database in an optimized way.
core.mysql.deleteMany(delete_tbl, listener)
Name | Description | Type | Required |
delete_tbl | The delete parameters table for the call (see below). | Table | Y |
listener | The api listener callback function. | Function | Y |
Delete Table Keys
Name | Description | Type | Required |
db | The database to run the deletes against. | String | Y |
tbl | Name of the table to operate on. | String | Y |
delete | A table array of tables with the where key from the delete method. |
Table | Y |
Event Response
On success, the result will hold an indexed table array of tables containing either a deleted key; with the number of records deleted, or an error key; containing the error string.
The response table is indexed the same order as the delete table that was sent to the server.
local function apiListener( evt ) if evt.error then print(evt.error) else for i=1, #evt.result do local entry = evt.result[i] if entry.error then print("error in delete entry #"..i..": "..entry.error) else print("deleted "..entry.deleted.." records for entry #"..i) end end end end local delete_tbl = { { where = { id = 34 } }, { where = { color = "Red" } } } local params = { db = "products", tbl = "shoes", delete = delete_tbl } core.mysql.deleteMany(params, apiListener)
Delete records from multiple tables of a database in an optimized way.
core.mysql.deleteBatch(batch_tbl, listener)
Name | Description | Type | Required |
batch_tbl | The batch parameters table for the call (see below). | Table | Y |
listener | The api listener callback function. | Function | Y |
Batch Table Keys
Name | Description | Type | Required |
db | The database to run the batch against. | String | Y |
batch | A table array of tables with the tbl and where keys from the delete method. |
Table | Y |
Event Response
On success, the result will hold an indexed table array of tables containing either a deleted key; with the number of records deleted, or an error key; containing the error string.
The response table is indexed the same order as the batch table that was sent to the server.
local function apiListener( evt ) if evt.error then print(evt.error) else for i=1, #evt.result do local entry = evt.result[i] if entry.error then print("error in delete entry #"..i..": "..entry.error) else print("deleted "..entry.deleted.." records for entry #"..i) end end end end local batch_delete = { { tbl = "toys", where = { id = 2 } }, { tbl = "shoes", where = { type = "running" } } } local params = { db = "products", batch = batch_delete } core.mysql.deleteBatch(params, apiListener)
Many of the MySQL (and other) modules use a where
key to specify the "WHERE" clause for a database query. Depending on what data type and structure you provide this key, a couple different things can happen automagically.
String Based
When passing a string to the where
key, you are on your own to create a valid MySQL query string. The query string is interpreted as-is.
You never include the literal "WHERE" in the where
key value.
where = "`color`='Red'"
where = "`kind`='Truck' AND `color`='Red'"
where = "`kind`='Truck' OR `kind`='Car'"
Table Based
The advantage of using a table based where
key is that all of the values are properly formatted to make a valid and type-safe MySQL query.
String values are automatically run through mysql.escape
. Do not double-escape values.
To reproduce the three string based examples above as table based:
where = { color = "Red" }
where = { kind = "Truck", color = "Red" } --AND
where = { kind = { "Truck", "Car" } } --OR
Ordered Table Queries
With "ordered" query tables you can replicate some more complex queries:
where = "`color='Red' AND `model`='Ford' AND kind='Truck' OR kind='Car'"
To reproduce the query above, put the entries in a table array (order matters):
where = { { color = "Red", model = "Ford" }, { kind = { "Truck", "Car" } } }
For an all OR query like:
where = "`color='Red' OR `model`='Ford' OR kind='Truck' OR kind='Car'"
You can use an ordered table with a single entry:
where = { { color = { "Red" }, model = { "Ford" }, kind = { "Truck", "Car" } } }
At this time multiple entries in an "ordered" where
table are combined using 'AND', which may cause problems with more complicated queries, so you'll need to fall back to the string method.
Table type queries also do not support conditionals, so the following cannot be replicated with a table based query:
where = "`score` > 100"
Optimized Methods
When working with multiple entries per query, try to choose an optimized query method. The reason for this is due to the fact that each Coronium Client network request to the server requires opening a new database connection per call.
By using the optimized query methods, the Coronium Core server can take advantage of using cached database connections, providing lower overhead and better performance.
Most optimized query methods also make it easier to program your application logic, by grouping results and using less calls.
The following are optimized MySQL module methods:
Network Timeout
Though rare, very large workloads may cause the Corona client to throw a network timeout error before you receive a reponse from the server. In these cases you can add a timeout
parameter to the query_tbl table.
The Corona default network timeout is 30 seconds. This is an optional parameter.
local function apiListener( evt ) ... end local params = { db = "app", tbl = "users", timeout = 60 }, apiListener)
Server-Side Timeout
To adjust the MySQL server timeout for large queries, see MySQL Timeout.