Amazon Lightsail
Amazon Lightsail is a simplified interface for using EC2.
Coronium Core server is eligible for the free tier using Amazon Web Services.
Create An Instance
Log into your AWS account and open Amazon Lightsail.
Click the "Create Instance" button.
Choose "Linux/Unix" under the "Select a platform" section.
Under "Select a blueprint" click "OS Only" and choose Ubuntu 16.04 LTS.
Under "Choose your instance plan" select at minimum a 2GB ($10) instance. Note: A 1GB instance will work for testing the platform.
In the "Identify your instance" section enter a name for your Coronium Core server.
Click the Create Instance button to start the instance creation process.
Configure An Instance
Once the instance is in a "Running" state, select the instance by clicking its name.
On the overview page, select the "Networking" section.
Under the "Firewall" section, add the following by using the "+ Add another" link:
- [+Add another] -> From the "Application" dropdown, select HTTPS.
- [+Add another] -> From the "Application" dropdown, select MySQL/Aurora.
- [+Add another] -> From the "Application" dropdown, select Custom, and then enter 27017 in the "Port range" field.
- [+Add another] -> From the "Application" dropdown, select Custom, and then enter 10001 in the "Port range" field.
Install Coronium Core
Return to the overview page for your instance and note the "Public IP".
Click the Connect using SSH button to connect to the new instance.
Once you are connected to the instance, copy and paste the following line into the terminal:
wget && sudo bash
Database Passwords
Once the installation is complete, you will be prompted for your choice of database passwords. Make sure they are secure, and don't lose them. You will use these passwords to connect to your databases both internally and externally.
Changing Passwords
If you need to change the passwords later see Database Passswords in the server guide.
Server Key
The server key is used by the Coronium Core client-side initialization method. This key is presented at the end of the installation. Copy the key to use now so you won't have to re-log into the server. To retrieve the key later, use the coronium tool on the server (see Server Key).
Most often if you need to work with something on the instance, you will use the coronium user to log in (which was created on install). The ubuntu user is used for updating, and system level operations.
To connect with the coronium user, you will need to use a shell program on your local machine.
You can use the built in terminal on OSX. For Windows, check out PuTTY.
ssh -i <path/to/.pem> coronium@<your-instance-ip>
If you don't know your SSH Key (.pem), navigate to your Lightsail Account page. Download your key under the "SSH Keys" tab.
Next Steps
Once the installation is complete, take a look at the Post Install section.