Coronium SkyTable is eligible for the EC2 free tier using Amazon Web Services.


This guide assumes that you have an active AWS account, and are familiar with managing EC2 instances.


View the installation instructions in a screencast format by clicking here.

Create An Instance

Once you log into the AWS Console, navigate to the EC2 service. Click the Launch Instance button.

On the next screen, find the Ubuntu Server 16.04 LTS (HVM) AMI, and click the Select button on the right.

Select your preferred instance type. A t2.micro is a good starting point. You can always increase the size later.

Click the Add Rule button on the Configure Security Group screen, and add the following:

Type Protocol Port Range Source
Custom TCP TCP 7173 Anywhere

Adjust any additional settings, and then Launch the AMI.

Install SkyTable

Once your instance is in a running state, note the IPv4 Public IP address.

Using a terminal/shell of your choice, SSH into the instance.


You can use the built in shells on both OSX and Linux. For Windows, check out PuTTY.

ssh -i <path/to/.pem> ubuntu@<your-instance-ip>

Replace <your-instance-ip> with the address that was assigned to your instance.

Once you are connected to the droplet, copy and paste the following line into the terminal:

curl -LO && sudo bash ./

Once the installation is complete, Coronium SkyTable is ready for action. Log out of the server by typing exit on the command line.

Upgrade to HTTPS

Now is a good time to secure your SkyTable server using HTTPS. See the HTTPS/SSL section of the documentation.