Event Listeners

Events can be registered to different listeners to take action on them. In almost all cases, there should only be one listener for an event at any given time. This means you will need to be mindful of "removing" a listener when appropiate.

To remove an event listener use removeEventListener:

cb.events:removeEventListener('OnJoined', onJoined)

You should always be listening for the OnClientList and OnClosed event throughout your application while connected to your instance. The OnClientList event provides a syncing point for the clients currently connected to the room. This event is trigged when a client joins, leaves, or makes a name change in the room. If you're not listening for this event, you will not know what the current state of the room is.

The OnClosed event is important for clean up associated with a client disconnecting from the server.

The OnJoined and OnLeft events are helpful for cleaning up client specfic state.


Don't try to manage your client list using the OnJoined and OnLeft events. Instead listen for the OnClientList event to keep your client list current.

Client Names

When a client connects to a room, it's possible for two (or more) clients to have the same name. A clients name can be changed with the changeName action. If you want to impose unique names, you can write logic in the OnJoined event to check the client list for a matching name, and prompt the user to change their name.

System Messages

System messages can facilitate more complex applications. A system message contains two properties, an action and payload. Using this message type allows you to control your application without having to parse through "chat" based messages.

The action property should be a unique key that you can check for on the OnSystemMessage event. The payload is any data required for that action. It can be a simple value, or a complex data table.

By listening for system messages, and checking the action key you can implement limitless functionality:

local cb = require('chatterbox.client')

local function onSystemMessage( evt )
  local action = evt.action
  local payload = evt.payload

  if action == 'open_broswer' then
    --possible function, payload is a data table
  elseif action == 'flash_screen' then
    --possible function, payload contains a number

cb.events:addEventListener('OnSystemMessage', onSystemMessage)


System messages are always broadcast to the entire room. If you want an event to only operate on a specific client, pass the clients ID along in the payload and check against it.

Acting on a specific client:

local cb = require('chatterbox.client')

local function onSystemMessage( evt )
  local action = evt.action
  local payload = evt.payload --a data table

  if action == 'set_score' then
    if payload.client_id == cs:getId() then
      client_score = payload.score

cb.events:addEventListener('OnSystemMessage', onSystemMessage)

You can also sync application state by passing a data table as the payload:


local function onSystemMessage( evt )
  if evt.action == 'state' then
    app_state = evt.payload
    --do stuff with the app_state
